Featured! Celtic Life Magazine
I was recently asked to contribute for a second time to the fantastic Celtic Life magazine. This Canadian publication celebrates Celtic living in all its glory and is jam-packed full of interviews, history and heritage pieces, trivia, recipes and everything in between.
My input, is of course, in relation to Scotland’s thriving food scene and after my first inclusion, I was delighted to introduce an influx of wonderful Canadian tourists to an array of the country’s top gastronomic destinations.

Celtic Life Magazine – http://www.celticlife.com/april2018
This time around, Tasting Scotland featured in both the magazine and a cookbook released alongside the publication. The cookbook itself combines seventy traditional Celtic fayre recipes including those from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Galicia in the North West Corner of Spain and over to Brittany, before heading back to Canada.
Although every recipe has its own Celtic character, I really like Craig Grozier’s addition. I know Craig. We recently planned an amazing gourmet inspired retreat in Candacraig; the former home of Billy Connolly in the Scottish Cairngorms. Craig is a fantastically gifted chef. I love the simplicity of the Forager’s Egg dish. He is as fanatical about food and perfectly balanced food combinations, as I am about food and perfectly balanced culinary tours of Scotland!
I will never forget the first time I ate a pulled pork dish he made. It was about 10 years ago. It was simply cooked and simply presented on gem lettuce leaves. It is still one of the most memorable dishes I have ever eaten. That’s his gift. Many know that simplicity just isn’t as simple as it first seems. I hope in the not too distant future Craig and I can work together and deliver something just as amazing.
With the magazine and cookbook combo now in circulation, at Tasting Scotland we are excited to welcome many more inspired Canadians to our bonnie shores.
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Featured! Celtic Life Magazine
I was recently asked to contribute for a second time to the fantastic Celtic Life magazine. This Canadian publication celebrates Celtic living in all its glory and is jam-packed full of interviews, history and heritage pieces, trivia, recipes and everything in between.
My input, is of course, in relation to Scotland’s thriving food scene and after my first inclusion, I was delighted to introduce an influx of wonderful Canadian tourists to an array of the country’s top gastronomic destinations.
Celtic Life Magazine – http://www.celticlife.com/april2018
This time around, Tasting Scotland featured in both the magazine and a cookbook released alongside the publication. The cookbook itself combines seventy traditional Celtic fayre recipes including those from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Galicia in the North West Corner of Spain and over to Brittany, before heading back to Canada.
Although every recipe has its own Celtic character, I really like Craig Grozier’s addition. I know Craig. We recently planned an amazing gourmet inspired retreat in Candacraig; the former home of Billy Connolly in the Scottish Cairngorms. Craig is a fantastically gifted chef. I love the simplicity of the Forager’s Egg dish. He is as fanatical about food and perfectly balanced food combinations, as I am about food and perfectly balanced culinary tours of Scotland!
I will never forget the first time I ate a pulled pork dish he made. It was about 10 years ago. It was simply cooked and simply presented on gem lettuce leaves. It is still one of the most memorable dishes I have ever eaten. That’s his gift. Many know that simplicity just isn’t as simple as it first seems. I hope in the not too distant future Craig and I can work together and deliver something just as amazing.
With the magazine and cookbook combo now in circulation, at Tasting Scotland we are excited to welcome many more inspired Canadians to our bonnie shores.
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